Reducing Implicit Bias in Medical Education and Training
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Thank you for visiting our site to learn more about how you can help in reducing health inequities! We are a collaborative research group of medical students, residents, and physicians who are dedicated to promoting health equity by addressing unconscious bias in the training of future medical doctors. Have a look around our site, view our posters and presentations, and fill out the form under “Contact Us” if you have any questions or would like to collaborate.

Implicit bias - our subconscious associations of race - permeates everything that we do. And we must pursue systemic accountability to fix it.
— Opal Tometi, human rights activist and co-founder of Black Lives Matter
We can at least try to understand our own motives, passions, and prejudices, so as to be conscious of what we are doing when we appeal to those of others. This is very difficult, because our own prejudice and emotional bias always seems to us so rational
— T. S. Eliot